Saturday, March 1, 2014

In a Nutshell

Is there a handbook for how to properly start a blog? If so, I know not of its existence.

My name is Marli (but for the sake of this blog, I'll be going by Marli J; such a contrast, I know) and I am currently 21 years old. I'm studying at University and probably will be for the next 3-4 years. Nope, I'm not going in for Medicine or something like that! Just like to put myself through as much torture as studying, annoying rez parties and early morning classes as can, just to have my dream job at the end....

Just kidding, it's not that bad. It's actually a lot of fun, most of the time. No, really, it is.

So if you've made it to this line, then congratulations! I haven't bored you to death and have somehow managed to capture your attention. Four for me! You >.>
...Any who, this is my first blog post ( stating the obvious there Marli) so I thought I would give you a brief introduction to who I am and what my blog will sort of, kind of be like and/or be about. Firstly, I created this blog because I have a lot on my mind and this is an excellent medium for me to let them out. It's actually quite freeing when you can type out what you are saying, without the awkward pauses or mispronunciations you can have when literally speak your mind. I don't know, I just love writing in any way, shape or form, even if I'm horrible at it! Everyone just wants to be heard in the end, am I right? So I guess that is why I created this blog. Even if not a single soul reads my blog, at least I put my thoughts out there. And hey, maybe my future self will enjoy the chance to look back at my past self ( and probably laugh or cringe at the topics I talked about).

Speaking of topics, secondly,this blog will literally be about everything. It will not be a just beauty blog, or educational blog or what have you. It will just have a little mix of everything. This could be personal stuff, like exciting happenings in my life ( sooo many of those guys, just saying; read sarcasm), beauty and DIY stuff, my general and random thoughts of the day and sometimes we will go deep and talk about stuff like politics, religions and the world in general. I guess just kind of whatever pops into my head! However uninteresting or interesting it might be.

Third of all, I forewarn you, I am sometimes the most punctual person you will ever know, and have a post or multiple posts everyday. Then other times, I will go for a year ( okay, a bit extreme but I digress) without a single post. So be ready for a rollercoaster! As well, my grammar can be at the level of a University English Professor to the level of coherency my Dad has at 1AM ( and trust me, that's pretty bad). So I apologize it I miss a word, don't make an ounce of sense or end in a preposition. You know, all that grammar shizz.

And Finally, I give you big warm hugs and thanks for reading my post(s)/blog. It means a lot to me, literally. I hope my future posts are entering, interesting and not offending to anyone. I like to respect everyone and I hope that everyone will respect me as well. We don't have to be besties, but we can be respectable humans to one another. That's all I ask :)

And that was a day for Marli J
Over and Meowt!

P.S my oh so cool sign off, eh? haha

P.P.S Below are a few Pictures of me and things I love ( and that may pop up on future posts!)

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