Thursday, March 6, 2014

Work for Work

Hi peeps!

So recently, I've started applying for Summer jobs. I know what your thinking: shouldn't I already of done that? The answer is a resounding YES! But as I've mentioned before, I'm a bit of a procrastinator and sometimes am not as on top of things as I should be. I'm notorious for missing e-mails, tweets and text messages ( yet I somehow never miss Facebook Notifications), and wind up replying stupidly late on them. Not very often, but more than I should probably care to admit, if I'm honest.

So back to the main point of this post, which is applying for a job. Personally, I hate applying for jobs simply because I feel like I'm just horrible at every aspect of it. Now how, you may ask, could I be horrible at every aspect of a job but still have never been fired? Perhaps I should rephrase my statement and say that I am not horrible at having an actual job, but rather the process for finding and applying to one. Let me break it down for you.

First up, is the actual job search. To be honest, I've never actually been the one to find the postings for the two jobs I've held ( nor the ones I'm applying for recently). With my first two jobs, my Mum actually found them in the local small town newspaper and then told me I should apply for them. Now, it's my older sister who has been finding me jobs and sending them to me through my e-mail. At this point, I'm hoping I'm not sounding as lazy or lame as I am coming across by having others look for jobs for me. The reality is, I do look for jobs myself; I just never find half the things that other people find for me. Back in High school, I blame it on the fact that I didn't read the newspaper ( who under the age of 30 really does?) and that I lived on a farm with zero internet access. Today, I blame it on the fact that I'm pretty inept at finding sites that post jobs. Sure, I can Google like a pro, but somehow my Google skills are much stronger for finding stuff about One Direction than Occupations. If you get what I'm saying. But thankfully for me, I have people in my life who care enough to look for these things for me. I'd be a Bum on the street corner without them.

Second up is the making and sending of the resume. I always feel awkward with this bit because essentially you're selling yourself to these employers. Being taught to be modest and respectful growing up, it's hard for me to write about how awesome I am to some unknown person. Yes, there is a clear line between being big headed and simply being confident in oneself, but even so, I still feel a little narcissistic doing this part. And making it look good and be concise? Just horrible, absolutely horrible at it.

Lastly, the interview or interviews. I hate public speaking and although this is a much smaller scale, it still scares me to no end. I go all stutter island (, red as a tomato and fidgety. I swear, I must be quite the sight to see. Need I say more about this?

So, if this is my life, how did I get two jobs? I've got a few ideas. One, in both cases they were short on staff, so I probably was hired simply because they needed the numbers. Two, in my second job, my employer was an old family friend, so she knew me outside my oh so lovely interview persona. Three, just pure luck. Four, I know how to dress, mkay? I impressed them purely on my fashion (yeah, right). And five, maybe I'm not as horrible at these things as I feel. Perhaps, just perhaps, I'm actually okay at these things. I mean, I'm notorious for psyching myself out at almost every aspect of my life, so it wouldn't be a far stretch for this. And yes, while I am saying that I do not suck, I'm not in anyway saying I'm perfect at this either. See, I hate to brag about myself, even if bragging isn't even close to what I am doing.

For me, there is a lot of work in order to get work ( or a job, or career, whatever lingo you use). I'm just comforted that I'm not the only one who goes through these things. Am I right? ....right?

Over and Meowt!
Marli J

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