Monday, July 14, 2014

This Thing We Call "Growing Up"

Hi peeps!

Before I delve into the body of my post may I just say a sincere apology for falling off the face of the Earth for the entirety of June. It just was a hectic month. Let's leave it at that.

In this post, I want to get some feelings out (as if I don't do that in basically every post already, but whatever...) about a little inner crisis I've been having as of late. Okay, so maybe for the past few years...of my entire life.

And that, my sweet little muffins (I can call you that right?), is this crazy thing called "Growing Up".

I know, when did that become a thing, right? >.>

Of course I've always been aware of it. It's basically what our life is: you're born, you grow older and older and then you die. No point in beating around the bush, that's what we do, is it not? But, to prove that I'm not a completely morbid or depressing human, I do know that this "growing up" intermediate part of life is one of  the most wonderful and fulfilling things ever.

But hey, it's kind of scary as hell too.

Lately, growing up has been freaking me out a bit more because all of a sudden, I'm realizing that at my age I am very much an adult. No matter how much I try to deny it by watching Disney Movies, listening to "kiddy" music or acting like a complete toddler whenever I'm within 10 ft of my Mum, I am an adult. With Adult responsibilities, like paying my phone bill, setting up appointments to get my car fixed (thanks to a recent-ish rear ending), buying food/ making said food edible for myself, paying rent and other countless things. And I have to do them. By. Myself.

*cue dramatic and/or terrifying music right*

Don't get me wrong, being an adult has it's perks, just like any age range does. But just like with any change, I'm just not ready for all this. Yeah, I seem to be coping somewhat well. I mean, no one congratulates you on making sure you filled your SUV with gas that day. No big celebration for when I finally get the freakin' dishes DONE!!  Nope, nothing is done because that's just a part of, oh wait, "Growing up". So it's hard to tell if I'm really doing it all well. I go by the philosophy that I' haven't killed myself or anyone else, so I must be good. But in all honesty, it would just be a little creepy if someone did do a cheer every time you made a meal. Though, if they helped out it wouldn't be such a bad thing. Just saying.

No, it's not just the fact that I'm suddenly becoming an adult after feeling as if I suddenly thrown into this role (though in reality, none of us really are), but rather that there are parts of it I'm not ready to experience or have others my age experiencing. Because I still think of us as little kids picking our noses. When did we all of a sudden become these people who have enough money to afford new vehicles, our own houses, engagement rings or to have new little people depending on us for everything. When I ask you!?!? I mean, weren't we just on the playground the other day, playing Sharks and Pirates (side note: epic game) or awkwardly dancing to some slow song at the school dance last night?

It's not that I'm not ready to letting go of being child exactly, but I'm just not ready to do certain things. Like I can't get engaged or married. Aren't I still too young or, or you know maybe I should be!? Everyone else seems to be. I should too, right? And what about having kids?? Everyone seems to have babies coming out their ying yangs (okay, maybe that's kind of correct...ummmmm). I can't have a little being depending on me. I can barely depend on myself to be honest! And owning a house?? Everyone else seems to. Oh my God, when did this all happen? and why am I not ready? I must be broken, there must be something wrong, I should be, I just can't, I mean....

And then I stop having a mini (major) meltdown and remember that there is nothing wrong with me or any other people who are at different life stages but similar in age. We're just exactly that: different. And we're doing what is right for us, when it feels right for us. So maybe I'm more comfortable with going to Uni and taking time for me before I do all that other grown up stuff. Maybe someone else my age already owns a posh house, with 2.5 kids and a marriage partner and a dog named Spot. Maybe another person is off travelling and has nothing but what they can fit in a backpack in their lives. That's the thing: each of us take this adventure, which goes by the name of "Life" , with our own path and in our own time. No one gives us set road map of what/how/when things are going to happen. We kind of just make up as we go along. So that when we get to where we want to go, we can look back and see the things we did as individuals and share it with whomever we want. Or no one at all. Like I said, I ain't going to tell you how to live your life. Other than, to do it the way you want.

That got super cheesy. Like four cheese pizza with some feta crumbled on top cheesy.

But it's true. And what I remind myself each time I have a mini (major) panic attack over whether or not I'm doing this whole "growing up" thing right. I know I am, in fact, doing it right. Because I'm doing it for me. And no other single human being on this Earth.

Until I have kids...

oh dear Lord, why did I just do that to myself.... here comes the pep talk...

Over and Meowt
Marli J

Saturday, May 24, 2014

How Times have Changed (Part 1)

Hi peeps!

I recently started a new job ( hip, hip, hooray!) and the other day, they had me outside working on filling one of the raised flower beds with soil. They didn't have any gloves, so I was working in my bare hands. And to my surprise, I actually loved it! I loved have the dirt under my nails, to have that distinctive soil smell left on my hands, and to feel the interesting moist yet dry texture of it on my skin. But if you had asked my younger self about touching dirt, you probably would have been met with my iconic "grossed out" face and something along the lines of "Ew, gross". And this made me realize that there are a few other things that I absolutely hated as a kid, but love as an adult.

1.) Cow Saliva
My baby from last spring, Aberdeen, giving a cheeky little wink to the camera
Before you think I'm some weirdo who has an obsession with drinking cow salvia ( that's probably actually a thing *shudder*), it's not like that. See, I grew up on a farm and we raised cattle there. When a cow has twins, she will only be able to take care of one. The other one becomes a "bottle fed" and my siblings and I would take care of them. Now just like human babies, calves drool. A lot. Like a lot, a lot. And it is gross. When I was little, I hated for it to touch my hands. But if you don't hold the nipple of the bottle, they will pull it off and the milk will be wasted. Needless to say, this happened a lot when I was little. Like a lot, a lot. But now that I'm older , I actually don't mind it touching my hands. I can always wash it off later.

Look at me, unleashing my inner farm girl.

2.) Brown Bread
It was disgusting when I was little and my Mum rarely bought white bread, so I was forced to eat it. I used to hate it SO much I threw the crust behind our TV stand when my mom wasn't looking. She found them years later. Try explaining that one...

3.) Long Car trips
They were boring! And my parent's made me listen to ABBA, the BeeGees and the Mama and the Papas ( which now I all love...there's another one!). Now I love them because I can either have time to jam out to my music or think ( when I travel alone) or I can spend time talking to my family with little interruptions. It's quite nice.

4.) The TV Channels my parents watched
If it didn't have cartoons or Miley Cyrus in a blonde wig, I hated it. Now channels like A&E, VisonTV and the History Channel are my jam!

5.) Museums
Dude, I wish I could go to this museum!
Once again, when you're little, museums aren't really a kid friendly zone. But now, I love all kinds of museums. I like learning about the world. It's actually pretty neat. I mean, we live here so we might as well learn about it!

6.) Snakes

Oh no wait, I still hate those. Ew.

Those are only I few things I can think off the top of my head that I hated when I was little but love now. As I think of more, I'll keep posting more blogs about it. Kind of like a blog series. Oooooooo, look at me, a blog series! So if anyone reading this has anything they hated as kids but love now, please feel free to share! It's cool  and interesting to see how much we change over our lives, so why not share!

Over and Meowt
Marli J

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Backstreets Back, alright?!

Hi peeps!

Last night, the dream I've had since the 90's came true. I, along with my older sister Bryn and roommate/Best friend Holly, went and saw the one, the only, The Backstreet Boys in all their synchronized dancing, unforgettable songs, Nick Carter gyrating glory. And. It. Was. AWESOME.

You're welcome, 7 year old me!

Here's how the day went. After getting ready all afternoon ( okay not all afternoon), Bryn and I went for a quick supper on the University Campus where I'm currently living. We then hopped on the train and went downtown to meet Holly after she was done work. We then hopped on the train again to go to the concert venue. After having our tickets scanned, walking through a metal detector and having our purses searched ( my guy told me "looks like you're clean! No crack!", which just made me giggle) we found our seats. We had just enough time for a couple group selfies ( one of which is below) and then it was time for the opening act.
(L-R) Bryn ( outfit: pregnancy top and pants fr. Babies R Us since she is preggers with my first niece or nephew!!!, and comfortable shoes) Myself ( outfit: basic tank top from H&M, high waisted skinnies from Sirens and combat style boots from Walmart. Yes, Walmart) and Holly ( Outfit: Cardigan from H&M, lace tank top and plain white tank top from Sirens, blue pants from H&M and flats from Ardene's
The opening act was Victoria Duffield, a resident Canadian. Though I only know a couple of her songs ( Bryn and Holly were clueless as to who she was all together), I do have to say she is a very talented young lady. Crazy good at dancing. Which, speaking of dancing ( smooth transition there!), her dancers were crazy hot. And good at dancing. But mainly hot.
Then it was time to wait for the main event. I was so excited to see all five of them back, as Kevin was not with them for a few years and did not go on their last tour. It was time to play the waiting game....
Then it was here! They were here, in front of my very eyes. Can I just take a moment and say how well each of the boys are looking still!? I think they've actually gotten better with age. Well that, and the 90's fashion/hair was just...interesting. To say the least. They can still dance like it's no one's business and effectively reminded me how much I love men dancing in synchronization. And gyrating. Thanks for that Nick and AJ. I would have been lost without you!
They played a lot of their old classics, like I want it that way, Larger than Life and Shape of my Heart. Those really took me back to the days when I was in the basement back home, dancing around, singing and goofing off with my older siblings. We owned that shizz nizz! But they also included some new stuff, which I really enjoyed, not only because it was catchy but because they were playing instruments as well! Nick with a guitar and Kevin on keyboard!? Be still my beating heart! And they also showed off all their tattoos, and in Brian's case, took off his shirt and showed us his body. Alls I can do is ask him, "Are you a beaver? Cuz DAYUM!". Looking good for his age!

Obviously, I took way more pictures than this, but you'd be here all day! And I took a ton of videos too, but not at all too surprising ( but definitely embarrassing), I'm singing like a tone deaf cow in the background of them. Whatever, it was worth it! I got to see the men who sang the songs of my childhood perform and I got to do it with two of my favorite ladies! What more could I ask for?
As well, aside from seeing this band, I also very happy for my older sister to have the chance to see them. She is the whole reason I know about them and is an even bigger fan than me, so to share that moment with her is really special and I will never forget it.
 I will just say, I'm surprised that I still have a voice today, since I was screaming and singing my heart out last night. Hopefully this is a good sign for when I go to see One Direction ( with their opening act 5 Seconds of Summer! The most perfect concert if there ever was one) in August. I may pass out at that one!
Have a good long weekend for anyone who is Canadian! Mine sure had a great start!
Over and Meowt
Marli J

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Style Icons

Hi Peeps!

I'm not tooting my own horn, literally I'm not, but the people in my life often tell me I'm very fashionable. In all seriousness, I don't see why they say this. I've never considered myself this way mainly because I've never really had a set "sense "  of style or "taste" in clothing. To be honest, my whole life, I've just bought and worn clothes that I like at a certain point in time. And yes, that has meant some very bad choices in outfits, even for the time they happened at. And yes, some of them have caught on film. In my school yearbook. Forever.

I try not to dwell on it.

To this day, buying and wearing the clothes that I personally like is still my style philosophy. However, since I turned 15, I have been also slightly influenced by certain celebrities a.k.a my style icons. They have changed and evolved as I've grown up, which is to be expected, as I would not want to continue dressing the same as I did when I was 16 or some other age. Actually, I'm a little embarrassed about who my first "style icon" was. But then I see some of the others who followed and it makes sense.

Perhaps you're expecting me to say Lizzie McGuire (Hilary Duff), and trust me, I loved her clothes when I was but a wee one. But I never actually tried to emulate her style basically because I wasn't the one paying for my clothes. My Mum was. And she was much more practical about clothes shopping than I was. So if she was paying for it, not only did I have to like my clothes, but she also had to like them to a certain extent. I'm kind of thankful for that now, but boy, did I ever hate it back then!

About 3 or so years later however, I did find another style icon. When I was 15, a little known movie which I was absolutely obsessed with ( and don't tell anyone, I still sort of am) came out. You may of heard of it, it was called High School Musical 2. And no, I refuse to feel any shame for liking it. As you'll see, I pretty much have the taste of a girl who is eternally stuck in the hormonal teen years of her life. And I'm A-Okay with that. But back on track: I drew some fashion inspiration from a character in that movie. You're probably expected Gabrielle or Sharpay but no, it wasn't them. It was, in fact, Troy Bolton ( Zac Efron) himself.
And no, not his whole style. Just one small part. That ring he wore throughout the movie inspired me to start wearing rings. Yes, a ring. That probably has to be the weirdest choice for my first style inspiration. Judge me if you will. But that...that was it. Yup.
In all seriousness, I'm really happy that I was inspired by Troy/Zac because it was what got me into trying out not only different kinds of rings ( thin, chunky, knuckle rings. I LOVE knuckle rings at the moment) but also other types of jewelry, such as bracelets ( layering them on use to seem so stupid to me. But now that I've tried it, I rather like it! Guess the old adage "don't knock it 'til you try it" has definite merit!) So you could say that Troy Bolton started it all for me.
He also was my first real live person/celebrity crush. I say "real live person/celebrity crush" simply because up until that point it was just mainly cartoon show characters and Disney Princes. I lived a sheltered life.
But my style stealing tips from guys did not end with Troy/Zac. Oh no, no, no, no. A few years down the line, One Direction came into existence. And I, being the  forever teenage  girl that I am, fell in love with their whole being. Not in like a creepy way ( though others around me may differ on that point), but in a, I guess, sort of proud way?  I was proud of what they stood for and of what they were like. I loved their persona: Normal Lads, cheery music, the faces that you just want to smoosh up because they're so stinking adorable. You know, that sort of stuff. *ahem* But aside from loving their faces and music, I also had to go and draw inspiration from their style. Their early days were very preppy and I was all over that! I had the red pants like Louis. I had multiple plaid shirts like Liam. I nearly bought a Varsity jacket like Zayn ( but I'm poor and decent ones were expensive, so...) and if I could pull off a polo like sweet little Niall could, you know I would've been all over it. Weirdly enough, Harry did not inspire me in the clothing department, but I chalked it up to that no one can pull off a blazer quite like him. NO ONE. Not even myself.
Shortly after I discovered 1D, I discovered another awesome nugget of UK talent, Little Mix. These ladies still inspire me to this day, but I went hardcore in their earlier fashion days. I bought collared shirts, bow ties and cute socks to emulate Jade's Preppy style. I got floral prints and headbands to be more Boho like Perrie. Anything with spikes or slashes I grabbed because of Jesy's rocky style. Bright patterns and cool shoes? Yes please, I'll look like Leigh-Anne's 90's style that way. I went way crazy for these ladies' over the top fashion choices and still do to this day for their more subtle choices.
Recently, I've started to buy some more grungy style clothing, which can be partially due to the fact that both of my above fashion icons have started to go more grunge, but also towards another new band I love: 5 Seconds of Summer. They are this grungy, punky, pop-rock group and not only do I love their music, accents, voices ( pretty much everything) but I also like their fashion. Really it's just skinny jeans (ripped or not ripped, whatever you fancy) and then some sort of t-shirt ( could be ripped, not ripped, plain, patterned or be a band shirt. Once again whatever you fancy). Simple but effective. So now I've found myself buying something and thinking "hmm, this is like the shirt Ashton was wearing" or " I could totally see Michael rocking something similar".
But, at the end of the day, I choose clothes I like. Just because I draw inspiration from these bands doesn't mean I agree with everything they wear. Just like they may not if the tables were reversed. Just because you like something, doesn't mean you are obligated to like everything they do just in order to keep liking them. Is that somewhat clear? Just like what you like, whether that's clothes or otherwise. Life it too short to not do what you want, so as Nike once told me, just do it. Even if it means being photographed in a turtleneck/t-shirt combo you thought would look good for the basketball photograph in Middle school but actually didn't. It's cool. I'm completely over it. Maybe. Ya. I still kick myself for that one. But at the same time, I understand that that moment, and many other ones like it, helped me to become who I am today, to wear the clothes I do today. Maybe now it seems bad, but at the time it was good ( maybe not). Maybe in the future the clothes I choose to wear now will seem hideous, but the point is, I liked them at the time. I liked them, so therefore I wore them. You should not wear clothes for anyone else but yourself. You've gotta be you. And hey, if you need a little inspiration from someone else, that's fine too. Just don't go overboard and do everything the exact same. Bring you to an outfit and you'll always look awesome.
Over and Meowt
Marli J

Monday, May 12, 2014

DIY:Ways to upcycle candle jars!

Hi Peeps!

I really haven't been on in awhile! For that I apologize. But there was finals, and then I went home for a bit and I'm just amazing at procrastinating anyways, so you know, just a lot of (lame) excuses for my absence. But for my "grand" return I thought I'd do some arts and craft and show you three ways I have reused old candle jars.

This pass year, I discovered I have an unrequited love for candles. Use to just hate them and see them as pointless when I was younger, but now as an adult, I'm hooked. But now that I 've been buying them more regularly, it leaves me with an uncanny amount of jars once I've used them all up. Probably the reason behind me not being a fan of them when I was younger. What do you do with them?! Of course you can ( and should) recycle them if you wish. But sometimes the jars are just so pretty ( or at least they are if you buy them Bath & Body Works, my heaven on earth) that you feel guilty. Or at least I do! So I've found three ways to reuse them and give them new life. Who knows, I may figure out more in the future, since I see no sign of me stopping from buying them!

1. Tea Bag ( or jewelry, etc.) Jar

 So simple and makes your kitchen and/or the stuff you're storing look really cute! You can even go one step further and label the jar. I just used a colored permanent marker then painted clear nail polish over it to set it. But you can use paint, stickers or whatever! I've also used some of my other jars to store other like hair bows, bracelets and earrings. You can store pretty much anything!

2. Makeup Brush Holders
Once again, super simple and a great way to organize. Currently, mine our pretty blah, so what I plan to do is to stick some decorative sand or gravel or rocks and maybe even some glitter to make them not only look a bit more colorful but to also help stabilize the brushes. That way they aren't moving around  all willy nilly. Much neater and cuter!

3. Fairy/Dragon Fly  Jars
Lastly, I've used some of my jars to make these really pretty fairy/dragon fly jars. Basically, you just take some glow-in-the-dark paint ( I got mine from Wal-Mart), a paint brush or stick like tool and your jars. I just used the end of a pen, dipped it in the color I wanted and dotted it haphazardly around the jar. I had to  go over with each color twice since they dry pretty translucently, but once done they look really cool. Unfortunately, my camera is unable to get a decent picture of them in the dark, but just know that they are really awesome decorations both in the day and the night.

So there you have it! We've got recycling, DIY and organization ideas all in one post. Try some of these out if you're stumped about what to do with any old jars, whether they're candle ones or not. Hope you enjoyed!

Over and Meowt
Marli J

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

Hi Peeps!

Since today is Earth Day, I thought I'd share some of my personal tips to being more Earth friendly. Thus I will prove just how easy it is being green. Sorry, Kermit.

As I go into this, I will note that most of these are probably well known or practiced by some or most people already. At any rate, there may be some that you don't know and can easily start doing. Pretty much, I'm letting a bit of my inner hippie out today in order to make the planet a bit more happy. ( Hippie...happy...get it?...I should probably stop explaining my jokes...or lack of jokes...)

Tip #1:  When you're not using an electrical appliance, keep it unplugged. Even if it's turned to the 'off' mode, it's still sucking up energy that isn't actually being used. By unplugging it, not only are you helping the planet, but also your pocket book, as this will cut down on your electrical bill!
Tip #2: Use as much natural light as possible! Open up the blinds during the day instead of turning on the lights. If I, as a Canadian ( where we have winter for like 8 months of the year and therefore have short hours of sunlight) can do it for the most part, then I'm sure it will be an easy fix for anyone else out there! Also, doing your makeup in natural light yields a much more natural and perfected look. No foundation lines!
Tip #3: Stemming from my last tip, turn off the lights when your not in a room. This ones pretty self explanatory. Your not in it, so why does it need to be lit? However, if you say  leave a room for a couple minutes and then plan on coming right back ( like let's say you need to grab a pen from another room. Just for example.) then leave the light on. It's actually probably more harmful to keep turning the lights on and off than it is to leave them on for a little while. Just don't leave them on for hours on end, okay? Actually, funny story, I came home from a party over the weekend at my parents and they had left the lights on. They never do this, so I thought maybe they were still awake. I let our family dog in to go say "hi" to them, but turns out they weren't awake but sound asleep in their bed. And our dog ran in woke them up! Funny for me, not so much for them. See Mum and Dad, turning off the lights would've helped both you and the planet out!
How apt is this picture!?
Tip #4: Try to use less hot water in the shower. I know, I know, I love me a hot shower too. But the energy it takes to get that water boiling hot is crazy. Plus, hot water can really damage your hair by breaking the ends and stripping the color ( if you color your hair). I'm not saying you have to shower in ice cold water. That would suck! But try to cut back your hot water amount and use more lukewarm water. And try to take shorter showers in general. Your hair and the Earth will thank you!
Tip #5: Dim the screen light setting on your phone. Or even your laptop. You literally do not need it to be the brightest setting possible. This will help you to save your battery a bit more and therefore, you'll have to charge it less. Simple really!
Tip #6: Don't leave your car idling, even if you'll "only be a second". It actually burns less gas to turn off your vehicle and restart it than it does to leave it running. I know this can be hard in the winter months, but really try to do it. That way your burn less gas so you don't need to fill up as much and you won't pollute the air. Or have your car stolen.
That too.
Tip #7: Walk! It's that simple. Unless it is crappy outside and you live far away from your destination, why drive? You don't know how many people I've seen drive somewhere that was a 5 or 10 minute walk away from where they lived. Quite stupid and unnecessary, in my humble opinion. Plus it's good exercise and you get to see more of the world that way!
And last, but not least, Tip #8: If possible, grow some of your own veggies or fruits. This may seem way hippie of me, but I grew up on a farm and we did this quite a bit. So I'm not a total environmentalist, I'm just a farm kid who loves the taste of fresh garden carrots that still have a little soil on them. Yummy! Don't knock it 'til you try it.
 So yes, if you have the space to do it, plant a garden. That way you don't have to pay as much at the grocery store plus you're helping the Earth out by growing more nutrient rich plants. Everyone is a winner!
My garden at the beginning of last summer. It grew like crazy, yo.
So there are 8 fairly easy tips to help the average person be a little more green. It's small little changes like this that can help to make a big difference to the Earth. So try  to do one or two of these every so often. Pretty soon, they will become habit and then you can do another. And another. And another. And so on.
Happy Earth Day one and all!
Over and Meowt
Marli J


Monday, April 21, 2014

My Top Six Guys with Accents

Hi Peeps!

Today, I wanted to do something a little lighter, but much hotter.

...You know, I really wanted that to sound cool, but I think it ended up more cringey. Any who...

Guys with Accents are hot. This is a fact. Don't try to deny it. Any and all arguments you may have will be invalid.

So without further ado, here are my personal top six guys with accents:

Name: Richard Madden
Accent: Scottish
Where you may have seen him: Being the sexy eldest Stark son and King of the North, Robb, in Game of Thrones on HBO
What he is up to now: After the "Red Wedding" in GoT, you can see those beautiful blue eyes and charming smile of Richard's in The Promise and in Cinderella (out in 2015). The latter he will be playing Prince Charming. How apt.
What makes me love him? He can look hot as hell in a flowy pirate-y type shirt ( that might I add, is like half hanging off him in the most amazing way? Watch GoT).
Name: Niall Horan
Accent: Irish
Where you may know him from: Being the adorable and silly blonde member of  the famous band, One Direction.
What he is up to now: Gearing up to join his fellow band members ( Louis, Zayn, Liam and Harry, who have various British Accents. Just saying ladies) on there Worldwide Stadium Where We Are tour, kicking off in South America on April 25th ( THAT'S THIS FRIDAY!!!! Just a wee bit excited here.)
What makes me love him? He sings. He plays guitar. And his laugh is just too cute. Can I just marry him so I can look into those blue eyes everyday. I'm not asking for much.
Name: Ashton Irwin
Accent: Australian
Where you may know him from:  The amazing, up-and-coming band that is, 5 Seconds of Summer ( or 5SOS for short)
What he is up to now: Currently, finishing up the 5SOS North American Tour ( called the STARSSTRIPESANDMAPLESYRUP Tour. Best. Name. Ever.) and heading back to OZ with his band mates ( Luke, Michael and Calum) for the Australian Lag of their tour. And they will be joining the lovely One Direction boys on tour again this summer. I may or may not be in the fetal position at the moment.
What makes me love him? He's a drummer, meaning nice arms and he can sing. Not to metion those dimples and his crazy cute laugh. Adorkable!
Name: Dan Howell
Accent: British
Where you may know him from: Either his successful YouTube Channel, Danisnotonfire or as a co-host with his best friend Phil Lester on BBC1 Radio. You choose.
What is he up to now: Continuing to make epic YouTube Videos and having that beautiful accent of his sent over the radio waves.
What makes me love him?  Not only can he make me nearly wet myself from watching his videos ( sorry for the mental picture there) but look at that smirk. GAHD.
Name: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Accent: Danish
Where may have seen him: Being the incestuous, but dashing, Ser Jaime Lannister on Game of Thrones ( seriously, watch it!)
What he is up to now: Starring alongside Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann in The Other Woman, out this Friday (April 25th; Gosh, this Friday is a pretty big day!)  Let's hope there is more silver screen time for him in the future. And tons more on the small screen too!
Why I love him: That smolder. *sigh* No Flynn Rider moments for you, good Ser ( haha, get it?)

Name: Oskar Eriksson
Accent: Swedish
Where you may know him from: The hot, young skip of the Swedish Men's Curling Team at the 2014 Winter Olympics.
What he is up to now: Training for the next curling match.
What makes me love him? He's adorable and obviously clever. You have to be to play this sport.
There are literally a million more guys I could mention as well. I mean, this was tough! Whittling down to just 6 guys/6 accents? Phew, I'm amazed I did it. But the thing is, that while these guys have a sexy accent, they are also very talented and hard working men. No matter what genre they're in. So kudos to you guys. Not just sexy, but smart. And talented. And ambitious. And awesome. Did I say sexy?
Alright guys
Over and Meowt
Marli J


Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hi Peeps,

Today will not be a cheerful blog post. Though I hope it will still hold some sort of interest.

A few days ago, 4 students from the University I attend, along with another student from another post secondary institution were brutally stabbed by another student from my University. In short 5 young people were murdered by another young person.

I will not go into details, nor make a whole blog post about their passing. I feel that, since I did not know any of them personally, it would be disrespectful of me to write about them in length. I wouldn't want some random stranger doing that to me or my family. It's not my place. But that being said, I can write about what this experience has taught me. It isn't the first time I've realized this either.

Life is short. If you didn't know that by now, then where have you been? Like I wrote in my last blog post, we keep waiting for tomorrow and don't live in the now, it'll be gone before we know it. Some of us won't get a tomorrow or maybe a three months from now. Maybe we won't see next Christmas or celebrate our next birthday. Nothing is guaranteed.

When things like this happen, I find myself wondering about who they were as people. It's funny, we pass multiple people a day, are in so many lives for brief moments and we never even realize. For example, I wondered if I had ever seen any of them on campus at a brief glance. Or if they were in my classes. Even when it is not close to home, I still have these thoughts. In one of my psychology classes we watched a documentary on bullying. And each time they told the date that a young person had ended their life, I thought about what had been happening elsewhere in the world at that moment. Was there a wedding?  Did someone lose their dog? Was it just another day? All these things and more go through my head  and it makes me sad that while we were all busy living our lives, someone else was ending their own.
 I don't know, I guess I've always found it so interesting that we can be so aware of the world but so unaware at the same time. I know that we can't stop the world from turning every time something bad happens to a living creature on this Earth. We would never move forward. So I guess we just really need to make the most of our time here, because it is so fleeting.
I'm not entirely sure if this post made any sense. I guess it's partially me venting my thoughts about what happened to these young people, the fact that 6 families lost their child in some way, shape or form and just wanting to remind myself that I don't always have tomorrow. My heart goes out to these families, but also to other families who may have lost a loved one today or yesterday or ten years ago. I hope the time you spent with them while they were live was happy, even if it was cut short. You may have lost a loved one, but you gained a new guardian angel.
Over and Meowt
Marli J